Every year we have a tradition of making a halloween movie and I think this years takes the cake — I completely wet my pants filming my brother Trevor as the Sea Creature in that Mrs. Doubtfire get up I made him wear hahahah –Good thing the black and white was forgiving on his costume! And how hilarious is Brad in those coke bottle glasses!? I cannot recognize him! As he was getting “attacked” in the water, something tragic happened… He lost his wedding ring! Who wants to grab a metal detector and come help us find it!?
the bloopers hahahahahaha no. freakin. way.
Haha that was awesome!
This is absolutely adorable. I always look forward to these from you guys.
hahaha oh my crap this is amazing!
seriously CRACKS me up!
can't wait to see you on the 8th babe!
turleys = entertained