Does it make us good parents or bad parents, that we kept our kids up past ten riding rides at the carnival? Maybe don’t answer that… 😉
Lucy absolutely loves anything that has to do with amusement parks or “rides”, so we were so excited to take her to the carnival when it came to our little city! We loaded up on tickets, and Lucy requested to ride the caterpillar ride over and over again, and so thats exactly what we did. It’s a funny thing, getting to this stage of life, where I get so much enjoyment out of seeing my kids happy and having fun. I could be sitting in a garbage can, for all I care, as long as they are enjoying themselves. 😉 I thought Greta would fall asleep, but she was just peering out of her stroller, all wide-eyed, looking at all the carnival lights! Just as happy as can be. These are my favorite nights! So carefree. 🙂