Greta’s First Birthday Party | Somewhere Devine
Who knew that you’d see ten countries before your first birthday!? Happy birthday to the squishiest little Greta Jade!
For Greta’s First Birthday Party we spent the day at the zoo. We had the best day celebrating our little party animal, surrounded by our closest friends and family. I’m still pinching myself that my baby is ONE! Do you guys remember my bump date videos? I had so much fun making them. I have absolutely loved watching Lucy become a big sister. I’m so excited to watch these girls grow together. My best friends are my sisters, and I hope Lucy and Greta have the same relationship. I’m so proud of the little girl that Greta is becoming. She is so sweet, happy, and funny! I love seeing her personality more and more with each passing day. Greta is such a content little girl. She just crawls around and laughs all day long. I love you Greta!
Youtube: Check out Greta’s Birth Story Here
Blog: Check out Greta’s Birth Story Here
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