On our last couple of days in Zambia, we took our group down to Livingstone and it was UNREAL! There was wildlife EVERYWHERE on the property of the resort we stayed at, and we were a five minute walking distance from Victoria Falls. I have never seen such a huge waterfall in my life — it was absolutely stunning! On our first day in Livingstone, we crossed the boarder to Zimbabwe to bungee jump off of the bridge that overlooks Victoria Falls, and I was surprised how many people in our group actually DID IT! I was standing on the sidelines feeling so proud, and then I got serious FOMO once everyone started talking about how amazing the view was at the bottom… So I bucked up, and roped my friend Breea into doing the “swing” with me! We screamed the whole way down! Ah! Over 300 feet! Seriously one of the most thrilling things I’ve ever done in my life, and I’m so happy that I decided to do it. On our last day we crossed the boarder into Botswana and went on a water and land safari! It felt like a real life jungle cruise. 😛 We literally saw over a hundred elephants on our drive — it blew my mind! I cried happy tears when we got to see a newborn elephant still learning how to walk — it was the sweetest thing, and such a great ending to this Somewhere Devine Expedition.
Where would you like to see Somewhere Devine Expeditions go next year!?
WATCH PART ONE HERE: https://bit.ly/2OjaBUo
Brad preparing to bungee 300 feet above Victoria Falls! Did I mention that the bungee snapped on someone in 2011!? TOO SOON! 😮
Kissing Brad after he survived the jump!
Giraffes are my favorite animal, and we had so much fun following them around Avani Resort!
Hahah this picture makes me laugh! The zebra all poppin’ a pose with the bag!
SOMEWHERE DEVINE 2019 EXPEDITION INFORMATION: We will be announcing the expedition location the first week of November and opening applications on Thanksgiving Day (November 22st, 2018)! Follow along @somewheredevine @haileydevine @bradleydevine on instagram for more information!
**Photos courtesy of Tyson French and Tell The Birds