truth is, i adore you and brad. you adorable people completely slay me. now this may seem a bit stalkerish but i totes follow you guys and you remind me so much of me and my boy. he's on his mission in Canada right now. and whenever im feeling down about him being gone i watch your video of Brad coming home, and it gives me hope:) I seriously fell in love with you two the moment I watched that video. you guys are prolly the cutest. annnnd i wanna know where you got your wedding dress?! its gorgeous. kthanksbye:)
Best compliment ever, you are so sweet! 🙂 How long has your missionary been out!? Missionaries are so fun. I got my dress at the Perfect Dress, and altered it like crazy haha – I'm glad you liked it, the alterations lady thought I was crazy for wanting to cut off the train!
well its fetch gorgeous and i love it so so much!:) actually I lied, he's not exactly out yet haha he leaves this next Wednesday, January 2nd. but i think it counts cause basically the relationship went on hold when he opened the mission call:) i'm sure you know how that goes;) im so excited for him to leave so he can just be home already haha 2 years seems like such a crazy long time
Awwww! You guys are so cute! I feel weird that I'm commenting everywhere but this really made me stop and go awww 🙂 You and your husband are amazing. Such a beautiful love
Market Street? Seriously the best.
Yes! So good.
love this!
truth is, i adore you and brad. you adorable people completely slay me. now this may seem a bit stalkerish but i totes follow you guys and you remind me so much of me and my boy. he's on his mission in Canada right now. and whenever im feeling down about him being gone i watch your video of Brad coming home, and it gives me hope:) I seriously fell in love with you two the moment I watched that video. you guys are prolly the cutest. annnnd i wanna know where you got your wedding dress?! its gorgeous. kthanksbye:)
Best compliment ever, you are so sweet! 🙂 How long has your missionary been out!? Missionaries are so fun. I got my dress at the Perfect Dress, and altered it like crazy haha – I'm glad you liked it, the alterations lady thought I was crazy for wanting to cut off the train!
well its fetch gorgeous and i love it so so much!:) actually I lied, he's not exactly out yet haha he leaves this next Wednesday, January 2nd. but i think it counts cause basically the relationship went on hold when he opened the mission call:) i'm sure you know how that goes;) im so excited for him to leave so he can just be home already haha 2 years seems like such a crazy long time
Love Market Street!! You two are just the most adorable couple ever and I love your blog!
Thanks you cutie! Love your blog too. 🙂
Adorable pictures!
Awwww! You guys are so cute! I feel weird that I'm commenting everywhere but this really made me stop and go awww 🙂 You and your husband are amazing. Such a beautiful love