I am no expert, but I am here to preach that traveling with an infant is VERY doable.
Plan for the unexpected: like the airline losing your stroller & changing diapers on alleyway floors…
Don’t let having a baby hold you back from doing the fun adventurous things you enjoy!
That is all. 🙂
Hailey I love this! I feel like too many people give up adventuring and seeing the world because of a baby. I love seeing when people make it work!
I love this. I don't know how many people have told my husband and I to "travel all you can now, because once you have kids, the fun stops." It's so great to see you guys having adventures and traveling with your little one.
Amen sister!
we flew across the country when our girl was a month old and everyone thought we were crazy for it, but all I could think was how much easier it would be when she was just sleeping all day than when she was wanting to crawl or walk everywhere! and I was right! flying with her at 1 month was much easier than at 4 months, but neither were impossible. I even did the trip at 4 months without my husband! and I'll be doing it again when she is 6.5 months. It's a long day and a little tough on both you and baby but it's not impossible and strangers are kinder than you think! There were always people offering to help unfold my stroller or carry my heavy carry-on of camera gear!
Beautiful pictures, and great memories!
amen sister
Fantastic pictures. : ) and so true!
I love this && thank you sharing your photos! I love traveling and being on tour now – however doing it with my significant other and child (someday!) would be even better! 🙂