I had some experiences a couple months back that made me feel kinda sad about myself. Comments on social media written like they would never actually be read, and hearing that someone you thought was seriously awesome, just flat out doesn’t like you. I feel stupid to admit it, but the words “I don’t know… I just don’t like her.” genuinely hurt and left me feeling confused. Some nights I laid in bed with a guilty feeling thinking: What did I do for this person to not like me? I’ve come to grips that no matter how nice you are to everyone, there is going to be someone who just doesn’t like you. There are so many personalities in the world, and so its inevitable that some will just not jive. It’s not realistic to be liked by everyone, so don’t get worked up about it. Spread kindness to everyone but quit trying so hard to please them all. Take time to nurture those relationships that really matter, and stand confident with who you are. π
Watch: Arvo
I needed to hear this today! It is so true. No matter how hard you try, you won't please everyone. I love how positive your outlook on life is. Thanks so much for sharing!
You're the cutest. And also extremely likeable. But you're right. Not everyone will like you but that's okay! π
This is so true! I've learned this lesson the hard way too π Thanks for the reminder! It's so important to those in high school π Are you heading up to the Pacific Northwest in 2015?
~ Bailey π
I've never met you, but you're posts always uplift and inspire others. Thanks for doing that! You're an amazing example to so many, including myself. Never let unkind comments from others bring you down, even if it's hard, because it will feel so much better to just brush it off. I've learned this lesson the hard way, too. Again, thanks for being you and inspiring so many!
I admire you women who open their lives up on social media. You do it with total grace and class. I'm amazed at people's ability to completely forget that humans are humans, even if you only know them through a computer. People say some horrible things without even thinking. Thank you for being willing to share your light with others, even when people forget to be kind. And it's so true, not everyone has to like you! But that doesn't mean you aren't likeable and loveable.
It's so true. My personality type is highly motivated by what others think. (I'm an ESFP. see here: http://www.16personalities.com/esfp-personality) It still ssomething I am learning and trying to get better at but I'm trying not to worry about the people who don't like me. You said it perfectly, there are so many people in this world and we are all so different- we won't all get along. And the differences are what make the world so great and especially what makes it so sweet when you find those people you truly just CLICK with. Good for you for setting it aside instead of trying to change to make this person like you.
shame on them. I think you're darling and I love following you, wish I was your friend in real life! (Natalie Devine is my husband's cousin, that makes it count that we're friends right?) good words to remember though, it's ok if we're not all bff's!
Hailey thank you so much for this! To be completely honest, it surprises me that someone can NOT like you. Because you're basically the perfect role model. Anyways, for what it counts, you've been a remarkable person I look up to and hope to be like someday. And not everyone is going to like you, like you said. The bigger you get, the more opposition there will be. XO
I needed to hear (read) this too! I'm not one to care about other people's opinions, but I'm in a position right now where I feel the need to be in someone's good graces (for work purposes), but I don't want to become her doormat. Must work on being kind to her, but also being kind to myself!
Love this and adore you. Remember the cartoon, Recess? I learned this lesson at a young age from TJ. He spend an entire episode trying to figure out why another kid on the playground doesn't like him. In the end he learns that some people just don't "jive."
I've experienced similar things on my blog, and it is never fun! I think you are darling, and I totally agree with what you said! We can't please everyone; but we can choose to be kind to everyone, no matter what! I wish I could give you one big hug! chin up, pretty girl! xoxo
You are so sweet, it's so true that we have to not listen or worry about unkind things people say no matter how hard it is. Thanks for your wonderful example! You're beautiful inside and out!
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for sharing this. It was something I needed to hear today! I always love reading your blog and following your sweet family on instagram. You truly are an inspiration to me and a great example to girls everywhere! I love your positivity and your story. I hope that one day I can have family like yours! Thanks for sharing! π
Ugh, yes. I remember I got really upset when I felt I was "being ignored" by a fellow blogger last year. I too literally lay awake in bed going through all the reasons to why this girl would not reply to many of my comments after years of following her blog. I felt that we had so much in common, you know? I finally came to terms that it is okay to be a fan rather than a friend sometimes.
I totally feel you! I feel like this a lot, but then I just remind myself that there are at least 2 guys in my life that like me, so I can't be all bad. π Thanks for the reminder!
"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches." -Dita Von Teese
Thank you Hailey. I love how you speak exactly how you would talk in person. It really connects to me because i feel like we are so alike. Thank you for this post. although small, its to the point and exactly how tons of people feel. Thanks for being such an amazing example over the past 2 years to me!
Never put yourself down because someone does not like you for who you are. I always stickt to that.
Lovely photos!
Nina / elvishmess.blogspot.com
Yes! Someone will always be a critic, no matter what you do. Especially on the internet.
This is so so true!! Thank you so much!! I feel like sometimes I get caught up in trying to please everyone and I just can't do it.
This is amazing
Funny how we turn into our own worst critics. Someone will say something bad about us once, but we allow those words to eat at us for weeks, months, and sometimes years. Thank you for your honesty, and keep up the adorable blog. You've got a lot more fans out there than haters. π
Haters gonna hate. I think you are fabulous and personally find it so inspiring that you do what you do! We are the same age, with babies 1 month apart and I can't even get ready most days. You're doing a million things right so don't worry about those contentious people out there. You have my approval. π
I love this. It's hard not to feel sad when someone doesn't like you, especially when you are a people pleaser like I am. But I found that I was killing myself trying to please everyone even those who just didn't like me. You're so right, be who you are, be kind to those around you, and don't sweat the small stuff. You are amazing!
I admire you
You're amazing. Please never change who you are. You inspire me daily. I love how real you are and how you stay true to yourself. You have no idea how many people are rooting for you! Stay classy!
It has taken me many years to feel confident with who I am. I love who I am and who I have become. I have spent a lot of time worrying wheather or not people like me. It has been a waste of my time. I think your awesome and I don't even know you. π I stay away from social media completely. I don't have a fb account or instagram. Heck, I don't even own a computer!!! Social media can suck you in. I choose to live without it. Keep you chin up!!!!!
As I've gotten older it's become easier to not care what other people think of me. I need to worry about making myself happy and living the life I want. I certainly have strong opinions about other people, but I would never post them anywhere. I do a good eye-roll and count to 10 and let it go! Life is too short to waste my time on things that bring me down.
So true. Keep inspiring and spreading happiness to us, Hailey. I've just found your Youtube channel and love it! Send hugs to your lovely family.
So true. I agree with Sylvie. Keep inspiring and spreading happiness to us, Hailey. I've just found your Youtube channel and love it! Send big hugs to your lovely family..
i think you totally do an awesome job of spreading kindness. its silly of people to say those things, but those silly things can be hurtful. you are wonderful and i love how positive you are. you are beautiful!
You also have to remember that what people say reveals more about them than it does about you. Mean words come from a place of pain.
You are loved by those who matter. π
Couldn't have said it better my self.
"shake it off!"
p.s. you. are. adored.
Thank you so much for sharing. I really needed this π
I completely respect that others have their right to their feelings, and am constantly reminding myself of this fact daily, but what's not to like about you?! You breath fresh air into those around you, you remind us to live our lives with kindness as our guide, and you inspire us to be authentically imperfect, just as the world was meant to be. My thanks is to YOU for being just as you are! So many adore you, and I know you did not need, nor were you looking for validation, we just really like to share that we are on your team, cheering you on along the way.
Usually when people are mean for no reason, it means they are jealous of you. It's sad, and those people need a lot of love! So I think it's important to not just ignore them, but when possible, respond with kindness! It's fun to "shock" mean people with genuine kindness back. π You're a beautiful daughter of God Hailey!! π
How could anyone not love you though?! You're amazing.
Sometimes it's that one bad comment from someone that makes all the good comments and uplifting voices disappear! It's strange how much power negativity can hold. But likewise we have the choice to feed it or beat it with kindness! I think I speak for hundreds, but we're proud of what you stand for! It's easy to feel victimized, but a true confident and strong woman would turn something hurtful into something empowering. Keep going! Never give up, never back down, keep pushing forward and follow all your dreams to the end!
I'm a 40 plus year old woman, and having an almost 20 year the hate will never stop. Your generation has to be tough and strong in order to fight off, and just let go of those who dislike, or hate. It's childish, and in my opinion…the core of it is always jealousy. I went through it as a youth, and there wasn't even blogging or social media back then, but my daughter got a lot of that in high school. You are a pretty big deal on the net so unfortunately haters will hate. Just let it go, and keep doing what you're doing. You are a beautiful soul with a darling family.
Hailey Devine, I am currently awake at 4 am, failing miserably at going back to sleep. I wanted to let you know that I think your posts are, well, AMAZING!! I also wanted to ask you for a HUGE favor that would make me smile from ear to ear. Would you check out my blog? I've been working on it for a little while now and I know that there is only a few posts, but I'd love, I repeat LOVE, to hear any tips/tricks/things from you. π If you can't, that's just fine. Thank you so much. Oh, and one more thing, I think you are SO RAD. (Yes, ALL CAPS!!)
Hey Hailey! I love all your posts..you are so cute and such an inspiration. I would love if you checked out my blog! keepitsimple-21.com
p.s Lucy is beyond adorable
I'm totally way behind the times on reading this, but this is just way too awesome. I try way too hard to please people and it's exhausting. So I guess if you can be okay with the haters, so can I π good stuff!
THANK YOU!! nothing more to add!!
So good, thank you!!