^^ The tiny family cabin ^^
Poppy Per has a photo of our ancestors in front of a tiny cabin near the Haugen Farm in Telemark, Norway. When our extended family visited in 1996 we got a picture of all of us in front of it! Ever since, my parents have been trying to find that cabin again, and have never seemed to find it. So we went on a quest to find the tiny family cabin. 🙂 We drove through Telemark, and every inch was absolutely breath taking. Red barns on green rolling hills… We rolled down our windows to ‘smell the vitamins’ and hear the sheep “bahh!”. We pulled up to the Haugen Farm and the current resident remembered us from 1996! He quickly ran around back and brought us some lawn chairs to sit above the most amazing view. He didn’t speak English, so he went inside and came out with his son to translate, along with some really cool family history books. We brought the picture of the cabin from 1996, and I immediately saw the light bulb turn on in his head! He jumped in his van and we followed along a tiny country road… That led exactly to the little family cabin! Mom and I squealed and clapped our hands in excitement. Such a tender feeling to stand and get a photo taken in the exact same place as your ancestors did.
i'm in serious love over all these photos, my husband & i have been planning to go to norway this year & i'm really thinking it needs to be soon. it looks amazing! so cool that you got to go to the cabin of your family again 🙂
What an amazing experience! So happy you guys were able to find the cabin. <3
So cool! You should post a picture of your ancestors in front of the cabin! I love old family photos!