This evening on the beach was so nice, after spending the whole day at Disneyland — I love vacations that wear Lucy out, because she has no choice but to sleep on my shoulder. 😉 My in-laws Gladys and Terry were with us, and they spoil us to death. Glady carries my bag, and pushes my stroller and says “You two go walk and hold hands!” — She truly is the most selfless and happy person I’ve ever met. And then there is Terry who starts talking to random people and telling them jokes. Hahah! I guess he can get away with it, with that british accent. 😉 He walked around doing his “muscle walk” and “drunk walk”, and I can’t help but crack up watching strangers reactions — sooo many eyebrow lifts. Hahah. We ate at Ruby’s on the pier, and note to self: Don’t order clam chowder at a burger joint, it wasn’t very good. BUT the company we were surrounded with was great. 🙂
Brad’s Hat: Ogden Made || Sunglasses: Free People
Aw I love these sunset on the beach pics, lucy is the sweetest!
PD: you have lovely in laws lol
Aw that's cute how your mother-in-law takes care of Lucy while you get to walk with Brad! So sweet!
xo, kiely
pocket of blossoms
Hi! I love your jumpsuit! Where is it from?