This weekend we finally made it to a pumpkin patch! Hooray! Lucy kept picking up the tiny pumpkins and throwing them, saying “Ball!” Hahah — Am I the only one who feels like October always goes way to fast? I’m having anxiety over all of the fun festive things we haven’t done yet! Haha! However, we finished our Halloween costumes and I’m pretty excited about them. On Saturday, Lucy and I both got sick with some kind of flu and we both slept all day — So I’m feeling a bit jipped that Saturday has already come and gone, and we didn’t get to do anything “fall-ish”. Aw well, we have a really fun week ahead of us full of road trips & Halloween traditions/parties!
Top: Piper & Scoot || Lucy’s Dress: June & January || Lucy’s Headband: Fancy Free
Hi Hailey!
Okay, this actually has nothing to do with this post… buuuut…
I love that you started vlogging your life as well as make videos 🙂 I vlog everyday but with a tiny point and shoot. I want to start vlogging with my Canon 6D but not sure which lens would be best for vlogging. Which lens have you been using for your majority of vlogs? They look great and I'm guessing it's convenient to carry places!
I always love look at your photographs, so cute ! I totally agree that October goes too quickly, that and December for me!
Holly X ||
P.s- that last photo is so precious!
I so agree.
I love your photos, It inspires me to be a better photographer.
Adorable, as always. I'm so sorry you and lucy were sick, that is not fun at all, especially on a weekend!
I have been the worst fall-lover this season. I have hardly done anything to celebrate and enjoy the season. It's sad. I need to get myself out to a pumpkin patch!