YOU GUYS! You should have seen us when we were filming this video… Hahahah! Lying on the cement while 7 months pregnant is so NOT ideal! Anyway, we get so many questions about traveling with a baby/toddler, so we decided to share our complete packing list when flying with Lucy along with some basic travel advice! We’ll be filming a more in-depth Q&A here soon. 🙂
1) ID/Passport easily accessible (but be careful for pit pockets!). 2) Spare clothes for both parent and baby. 3) Diapers & Wipes (pack a little extra than you need). 4) Diaper Mat. 5) Rash cream. 6) Pajamas (if traveling over night). 7) Plastic Bag for dirty clothes 8) Small Blanket 9) King Size Pillow (we use this tempurpedic pillow. We love it because it smashes down pretty small, and is curved so that Lucy doesn’t roll off of our lap). 10) iPad loaded with games and movies. 11) Small Headphones 12) Tylenol & meds for both parent and baby. 13) Small new toys or stickers (we raid cheap stuff from the dollar spot at Target! You can also wrap these new toys up as presents for your little one to open. Kids love to open stuff.) 14) Sippy cup or Bottle 15) Pacifier and a spare pacifier (have your baby sip on a bottle or suck a pacifier to help their ears during take off and landing). 16) Formula and any liquids you may need. (TSA approves infants to travel with any amount of liquids). 17) Fun snacks (the small pretzels they hand out can be boring to a toddler, or freakishly the perfect choking hazard for a baby).
1) Two outfits per day (depending how messy your baby is). 2) Pajamas. 3) Shoes (at least two pairs unless you lose one). 4) Travel size toiletries, zipped up in a bag. 5) Diapers (you can also purchase at your destination). 6) Extra ziploc/plastic bags. 7) bottle cleaner and travel sized dish soap, zipped in a bag. 8) Sound Machine (great to maintain a familiarity with sounds from home, and great for loud hotels). 9) Diffuser/Nightlight. (Lucy gets stuffy when we travel sometimes, so it’s great to use as a humidifier). 10) Weather permitting clothing (Swimsuit, hat, snow clothes, etc…). 11) Baby carriers: Solly Baby, Wildbird, Ergobaby.
1) Take your stroller through security, it’s free to check at the gate! I store our king size pillow in the basket below the stroller. 2) It’s ideal to find a hotel/BNB that provides a crib. If not, some airlines will check your portable crib for free! Just call ahead and ask. 3) If traveling with a smaller infant, call the airline beforehand and request a basinet seat. This is a great alternative to the king size pillow, HOWEVER — if there is the slightest turbulence they make you take your baby out of the basinet, which can be frustrating if their sleeping. I prefer the king size pillow because of that reason alone! 4) Rent a carseat abroad, or check it on with your luggage. Most airlines check carseats for free, but call ahead to make sure. 5) Dress as simple as possible! It makes security less of a headache. 6) Wear a watch and set it to the destination time. We try to get Lucy to sleep or stay awake on the flight, depending on the destination time (I’ll be sharing more jet-lag tips soon!). 7) Don’t be nervous to ask for help, and take full advantage of walking the isles. 8) Show up at the airport 30 mins earlier than needed. There are always bumps and surprises that come along with toting a little one!
Diaper Bag: Fawn Design || Baby Wrap: Solly Baby || Baby Sling: Wildbird || Baby Carrier: Ergo|| Diffuser/Nightlight: VP
Do you have any packing tips for flying with a baby? Please share!
You are both so talented! I don't have a baby yet but I know this will be helpful in the future!
Where's your dress from??
i have one similar to it that I got from Junie Blake (: I've also seen some at piper & scoot a while back.
oh my goodness you guys make having a baby look so fun that I want one of my own haha (:
Oh my gosh, you guys are the cutest! What a clever video! And I can't imagine having to lie there on your back to film this. The worst! ha!