Our dear friend Louise is visiting from England, and we snapped a couple pictures before slipping inside to dinner, to celebrate her birthday tonight! It’s always a party when she comes to town… I swear we all laugh a little harder when Lou is around. 🙂 She has one of those loud contagious laughs, that makes you instantly feel good about yourself! I feel like I’m hilarious when I’m hanging out with Lou.
We probably caused a scene with all the little kids in the nice restaurant. I heard a plate shatter, and I looked over to see Lucy with her head in her hands! Can someone say, GUILTY!? Hahaha. It was so embarrassing. I’m just thankful everyone around us was so kind and patient, including our waiter!
On a separate note… WE FOUND OUR HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! Sadly, I don’t have the energy to make it this year (it’s the one time of the year that I usually sew…) so most of it is store bought! But I think it’s going to be awesome. Our first themed costume as a family of four! Also… I heard that the first week of November is the best time of year to go to Disneyland to avoid crowds. Is that true!? Because the Halloween decor is down, and the Holiday decor isn’t put up yet… So I think we are going to take Louise to Disneyland next week! Ahh! I’m excited to be able to ride everything again, now that I’m not pregnant. 🙂
Jacket: Madewell