^^ Greta’s first flight! Smothered much!? Ha! ^^

^^ Louise baby-wearing Greta while Brad and I rode a ride! Haha! ^^
We went to Disneyland last week, and it wasn’t nearly as crazy as I thought it would be with two kids! I just threw on my nursing cover and nursed Greta as we walked around the park. It’s funny how I feel way more comfortable nursing on the go with Greta, than I did with Lucy. I guess I’ve just had more practice this time around. Anyway, our friend Louise (who is practically family) went with us and it was non-stop laughter! I loved going on the rides that I wasn’t able to when I was pregnant — Brad made me sit in the very front on The Matterhorn, and I was screaming so loud! That new yeti is freaky! Lucy made me so proud this trip because A) She was so well behaved, even without a nap and B) She conquered her fears! She kept her eyes open on The Haunted Mansion, and she even gave Pluto a kiss on the nose! Go Lucy!
Sunglasses: Nordstrom || Dress: ASOS
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