^^ I love seeing the British phone booth next to palm trees! So different! ^^
^^ Greta the little Gnome! ^^
^^ We told Lucy that there were trolls in this garden and she was so freaked out, until she saw what we were talking about. 😉 ^^
^^ I could not believe the flowers in this place! ^^
My pants might still be stained pink from sitting in these flowers… But can you say, WORTH IT!? I couldn’t believe how pretty the Lost Gardens of Heligan was! It looked like we were walking in a Wizard of Oz backdrop!? The story behind it is so cool too — These gardens were lost during World War 1, then found again and restored in 1990! It was legit a secret garden!
We had lunch at the cutest little tea house, and I had my first ‘cream tea’! I had no idea that it was a scone, topped with jam and clotted cream!? SO GOOD. Then we walked around some more, and Greta fell asleep on my chest. It was the best day ever!
Watch the video from our trip, here!