Do you prefer traveling by plane or by car!? Nine out of ten times we choose to fly, but on our way home from our recent California trip, we decided to rent a car and drive! Some people are scared of road trips with kids so we wanted to give some tips that have worked for us, as well as tell you about our trip. We started in Los Angeles and our first stop was Big Bear Lake. The views were unreal! Our car was zig zagging up the mountain, hugging next to giant cliffs… It took me back to our drive up Machu Picchu last summer. ๐ We were racing against the sun to get to Big Bear Lake before sundown, and right when we were almost at the top Greta started throwing up! It’s always those moments that I come completely useless because I’m in shock – hahaha – I just wasn’t expecting that to happen! So somehow Brad was the driver, and he was able to pull over AND whip her out of her carseat, all before she was done puking!? Hashtag Super Dad right there. So I guess that means Greta takes after her Mom, because I puked on seriously every road trip we went on as a kid! Haha! It just makes for some good stories, I guess. ๐
We made it to Big Bear Lake just in the knick of time, and it was so gorgeous! I wish that we would have stayed the night up there, but we continued on to Las Vegas. We strolled into our hotel around midnight with a nasty carseat, pushing our sleeping kids in the stroller, looking around at all the clubbers like “What’s up!?” – Hahhaha! We didn’t stick out like a sore thumb at all. ๐ We put the kids in bed, sent off the laundry service (don’t ask me how much we ended up paying for it hahah) and got some 1am room service because we felt like we deserved it after such a long day!
Day two we got our fresh laundry, set out on the adventure with our fingers and our toes crossed that no one would get car sick this time… And we had so much fun! Lucy came up with the idea to look for “Dinosaur Eggs” when we stopped in St George, and we found the perfect egg shaped rock. ๐ Lucy cared for that little rock the whole rest of the way home by “keeping it warm” in her hands, and Greta was happy as a clam with no more car sickness! We turned up the tunes, ate gas station snacks, and really enjoyed the scenery of all the red rock along the way. ๐ It was a road trip for the books!
My friends and I are going to Cancun in August! What excursions did you do?! Can you post links or tell me more about it! We donโt know what to expect!
Just subscribed to your YouTube channels, blog, insta and tagged friends for the Disney giveaway. My email is, my insta is m_davis44 and my YouTube should be molly Davis 45. All my handles are different but I wanted you to know I completed the check list. Love you guys!!
I used to love the road trips with my grandpa growing up. Hoping once I have a bigger car to take my kiddos on some.
Love you guys!